Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Micah House schedule

Here is the Micah House Schedule. I will also send out emails a week in advance, and a day in advance.

Dinner should be served @ 6pm, and brunch is 10am. If you have any questions talk to Lindsay, Maja or me. If you are serving and haven't sent in your application, let's get going :-) Let me know if you need a copy.

Again, I think it is great that we stepped up to the plate on this. And thanks again to "Becky" for heading up the garage cleaning. It should be fun!

Sunday, September 17, 2006

QUARRY, Monday Sept 18

This week we'll be gathering at Dave & Alicia's
623 Thornwood Avenue

6:30 dinner/bbq
7:30 worship, discussion, prayer ...

please be prompt and remember to bring the items you signed up for! :)

Thursday, September 14, 2006

let God speak back to you..

So one of the best things i got out of monday night was creating space for me and God to talk. prayer essentially. but prayer sounds so 'stiff' sometimes. monday night i found myself asking God alot of questions. thinking about the upcoming year, some decisions i need to make, etc. All night i felt complelled to write and journal...

i went to a seminar once about listening to God and allowing the Holy Spirit to fill you and speak to you... in your journalling. It may feel a bit weird or 'dear diary' at first... but sometimes i really feel the words are God's words and i can't stop my pen from writing. i found this on monday night. i'd ask God a question. he'd respond. i'd respond. a real conversation. it was refreshing.

give it a try.

have you and God talked today?