Wednesday, February 22, 2006


So Monday night we got a great look at what the role of confession has been for various centuries, in the life of the church. (The funnest church history lesson I've been too in awhile i must say!) So what will it look like in our church community? Maybe not a confession booth, and maybe not everyone will find a safe accountability partner within this group - but may we create a safe place, where we can be authentic...

Friday, February 17, 2006

QUARRY, Monday Feb 20

Mix-mix-mixin' it up with a new topic, new speaker, and new location!

Topic: Spiritual Disciplines - confession
Guest Speaker: Tom Chire - a member of Wellington Square; former Jesuit preist

6:30 - dinner -try to drop Janelle a line if you will be joining for dinner (
7:00 - gathering - worship, teaching...

Janelle is housesitting for the Southon's (one of the minsiters at the Square). The minister is away, so QUARRY can play! Janelle is excited to host us this Monday!
3161 Trailwood Drive
Burlington, ON
(guelph line, to pinemeadow(right), to trailwood (right), house just on left hand side...)


here are some pics from days gone by.... gosh we're fun ;)
top row of pics - dinner out to east sides (december)
middle row - a night at quarry (january)
bottom row - road trip to mars hill/michagan (january)

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


Since so many of you missed our fine guest speaker on Monday, let me share with you some of the thoughts we talked thru that i got from the handout (yes! Dave even had a handout- how's that for impressive folks!)

The central point for the discipline of simplicity is to seek the Kingdom of God and the righteiousness of His Kingdom FIRST and then everything will come in it's proper order. Simplicity is an INWARD reality that results in an outward lifestyle.
Check out Matthew 6:19-34 for the scripture studied

Some outward expressions of simplicity (challenges you may say... for how to live out simplicity in your everyday life. remember not to get wrapped up in these things as rules - as then that becomes the idol; but relfect and pray on an area that God may be calling you too)
1) buy things for their usefulness rather than their status
2) Reject anything that is producing an addiction in you
3) Develop a habit of giving thigns away
4) Refuse to be propagandized by the custodians of modern gadgetry
5) Learn to enjoy things without owning them
6) Develop a deeper appreciation for the creation
7) Look with a healthy skepticism at all "buy now, pay later" schemes
8) Obey Jesus' instructions about plain, honest speech (matt 5:37)
9) Reject anything that breeds the oppression of others
10) Shun anything that distracts you from seeking first the Kingdom of God.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Monday, Feb 13

Sure Monday means the start of another week... but it also means QUARRY TIME! (how's that for a opener!) Hope to see you all and more out to fill up our living room on Monday!

We'll be digging into some of these "spiritual disciplines"...
Topic: Simplicity

6:30 - meal (thanks for those people who signed up to bring stuff! :) )
7:30 - gathering, worship, etc...@ Rhonda & Maja's
apt.1265 Ontario Street
Apt 604
buzz #229

Drop us an email ( or ring if you plan on joining us for dinner so we have enough eats - but we wouldn't turn you away if you just showed up ;)

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

don't settle...

Hey guys... a word i had during prayer time the other night together.
don't settle.
not sure what that means - was it for me? I know i need that word often... i settle for second best in my life and especially in my relationship with God. was it for us? what is for Quarry? what it just a random passing thought i had?
hmmm... thought i'd throw it out there.

As we dive into a new series, as we continue to 'be a generation that seeks His face', as we continue to grow and step out as a ministry - what is God calling us to? What does "settling" look like for Quarry? Ponder...

Looking forward to exploring and soon experiencing this season of Lent together.

be blessed.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Quarry, Monday Feb 6

Lent. What's the deal? What does it really mean? We're going to start digging into a new series on Lent and Spiritual Disciplines. Sounds quite intense and not fun doens't it? Hmm... well, if you come it will be fun! Come out as we intro this new topic. New people always welcome!!
Dinner will kick off at around 6:30...
Gathering at 7:30...
(Please try to contact Rob & Lisa if you plan on joining for dinner)
@ Rob & Lisa Irish's
540 Bridgman Avenue (3 blocks east of Wellington Square)
phone: 905-632-9456

QUARRY road trip recap...

So your feild reporters are back. Back from our trip to Grand Rapids - Mars Hill Church - home of Rob Bell, teacher extraordanaire! We survived over 10 hours in a 'pimpin' van (Yeah Maja!), "ultimate" drinks, and bunking together! It's interesting to see what community looks like when you spend so much time together! It was a great experience for everyone I think, and we are excited to take what we learned and see how it fits with our ministry here at Quarry. Lots to ponder... it's important for all of us to reflect and continue to vision for Quarry with that same intensity of those first days. God is moving so much in and thru this community, but what's next? I'm not just talking bigger and better, but a real heart check for Quarry - how are we doing? Something to chew on...