Sunday, December 21, 2008

Thursday, December 11, 2008

City Kidz!

This Monday, we're returning to City Kidz to help wrap gifts for their Christmas kids program. There are hundreds of gifts to be wrapped & they are excited to have our help!

It was a fun evening last year of visiting and serving together. Don't worry if you aren't good at wrapping gifts ... someone needs to cut the tape.

If you would like to carpool, we'll meet at Rob & Lisa's to depart at 6:30.
We'll gather at City Kidz in Hamilton at 7:00. Please note that it is at a different location than last year: 17 Gertrude Street.

Looking forward to seeing everyone there ... you can even bring a friend! Please let me know if you're not able to join us, so we know howmany folks to expect.

For more information on City Kidz & their Christmas program, check out their website

Thursday, December 04, 2008

the 47th annual quarry christmas party!

This Monday!

We have a table reserved for dinner/drinks at 7:00 at the Dickens.

At Laura's work, they are doing a toy drive called "Let's fill the Ford Flex" - trying the fill the Flex with toys to donate to the Halton Women's shelter. Inspired by our recent Frage des Tages of "what was your favourite toy from your childhood", please bring a new toy for the Flex to the party - one that might become someone's favourite. Great idea!

Thanks to Laura for organizing our festivities! If you are not able to join us on Monday, please let us know.

See you Monday!

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Friday, November 28, 2008

New Horizons Thrift Store needs our help!

This Monday, we're heading down the road to Hamilton to help with donation sorting, pricing, cleaning, and display making. There will be something for everyone to do, sitting, standing, moving, dancing ...

If you want to carpool from Burlington, please meet in Rob & Lisa's driveway at 6:30. We'll meet at the store (520 James Street North) at 7:00. If folks are hungry, we'll find a pub when we're all finished ...

For information on New Horizons & Welcome Inn, check out their website.

See you there!

Monday, November 24, 2008

let justice roll ...

The prayer was no sooner prayed than it was answered. Jesus called twelve of his followers and sent them into the ripe fields. He gave them power to kick out the evil spirits and to tenderly care for the bruised and hurt lives. This is the list of the twelve he sent:

Simon (they called him Peter, or "Rock"); Andrew, his brother; James, Zebedee's son; John, his brother; Philip; Bartholomew; Thomas; Matthew, the tax man; James, son of Alphaeus; Thaddaeus; Simon, the Canaanite; Judas Iscariot (who later turned on him).

Jesus sent his twelve harvest hands out with this charge:

"Don't begin by traveling to some far-off place to convert unbelievers. And don't try to be dramatic by tackling some public enemy. Go to the lost, confused people right here in the neighborhood. Tell them that the kingdom is here. Bring health to the sick. Raise the dead. Touch the untouchables. Kick out the demons. You have been treated generously, so live generously.

"Don't think you have to put on a fund-raising campaign before you start. You don't need a lot of equipment. You are the equipment, and all you need to keep that going is three meals a day. Travel light.

"When you enter a town or village, don't insist on staying in a luxury inn. Get a modest place with some modest people, and be content there until you leave."

Who are defending & bringing justice in our world?
. ngos
. children's aid society
. stop the traffik
. yugo
. salvation army
. shelters
. governments
. community living
. the church
. vpi
. micah house
. compassion society
. welcome inn
. the media
... alternative media sources
. oxfam
. world vision
. amnesty international
. pen
. big brothers big sisters
. celebrities
... bono
... chris b
. faith-based groups
. stephen lewis
. nelson mandela
. desmond tutu
. shane claiborne/simple way
. schools
. corporations
. meal programs
. educators
. sketch
. microfinancers
... kiva
. protesters
. rotary
. parents
. individuals
... ruth
... jillian
... donna jean
... fran
... mr. pugh
... don s
... jason f
... lance
. legal aid
. child advocates
. activists
. athletes
... curtis joseph (baseball player? :)
. right to play
. world vision
. athletes for africa
. canadian baptist ministries
. mennonite central committee
. fundraisers
. "_____" without borders (doctors/engineers/etc)

What can I do?
. consumer choices
... fair trade purchases
... alternatives to consumer-focused gift-giving
... buy nothing day
. buy a farm in mexico & run it ethically
. sponsor a child
. raise awareness
. educate others
. educate myself
... read alternative media sources
. fair trade chocolate festival
. create a local foods cookbook
. eat local
. rescue sex slaves
. become a big brother/big sister
. volunteer/partner with justice-focused organizations
. help your neighbours be active (ie. coat drive phone call)
. give money
. volunteer with children's aid society (driving, wrapping gifts, planning events)
. build a porch at micah house
. wrap gifts at city kidz
. be politically active
. fly & drive less (decreased carbon footprint & oil dependency)
. share
. support friends doing development work
. habitat for humanity build
. check out volunteer websites
... hamilton
... halton
. serve a meal
... wellington square kitchen
... wesley centre
... in your neighbourhood
. get to know people in need of justice
... 'the more I know about you, the less likely I am to hurt you.'
. introduce yourself to the 'faceless'
. step out of your comfort zone
. share your food
. write letters
. march & protest
. share your passions with others. talk to your friends
. find your gifts/skills/passions & connect them to what you do
. bring a friend
. do something
. go first

Friday, November 21, 2008

come on over for dinner

See you Monday at Rob & Lisa's to continue our conversation from last week, on a quest for not only questions, but answers and solutions ...

If you ever need ideas of what to make for Quarry dinner, please check this out.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream ...

How are you feeling?
. Confused
. Hopeful
. Frustrated
. Ready to weep
. Ready to respond
. Powerless
. Powerful
. Uncertain
. Overwhelmed

Completely understandable. These are big questions that we're tackling, and not ones with easy answers. How do we respond to the oppression and injustice that exists in our world? How do we work together toward the hoped-for restoration of the world? What role do we play in Amos' cry to 'let justice roll'?

Our world is filled with those who are oppressed and those who oppress, and there are complex systems that reinforce the injustice, this is true. To try to solve so many problems seems overwhelming at times, so much so that we can become paralyzed, unable to do anything at all. However, there is always something that can be done, however small our action might be.

Your response might address grassroots issues or wider systemic ones. It might be about personal relationships or about organizational actions. It might be about consumer choices or about awareness campaigns. It might be local or it might be global. It might be a group effort or it might be you alone. It might be about action or about prayer. Or it might be all of these things. There is not one single solution but there are many.

There is an often heard quote from Margaret Mead - one of my favourite reminders:

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

In our own lives we truly can influence change, and even more so when we unite together and come alongside God in working toward a restored world, one in which justice rolls like a river.

Saturday, November 15, 2008


Join us on Monday at Rob & Lisa's for a continuation of Monday's conversation ...

You know how it goes:
6:30 dinner
7:34 the rest

See you then!

ps. in our ongoing quest to make increasingly ethical purchasing decisions, check out Hamilton's newly established Ethical Consumers Cooperative

Thursday, November 13, 2008


I've been thinking more this week about the concept of liturgy. What is it, really?

To date, I have really only thought of liturgy as those rituals & ceremonies within a church service. Communion, confession, etc, etc.

The recited phrases, often part of those moments, often
mumbled quickly: thelordbewithyou.andalsowithyou.liftupyour
hearts.weliftthemtotheLord ...

Don't get me wrong, I see that there is great value and significance in coming together through these liturgies. But, is there more to it? Can liturgy be part of my everyday life?

Robbell indicated that "liturgy" can be translated as "worship" and also as "service." Does this mean that it's not just as part of a 'worship service' on Sunday morning? These two definitions suggest that our worship - the way that we praise God - is played out in the ways that we serve others - our church, our families, our colleagues, our neighbours, even strangers ... complete strangers. Every day.

Of course, Robbell is a wise teacher, but could there be more to this? On my quest for accuracy and insight, I consulted with the definitive source of accurate information: wikipedia.

According to wikipedia:
The word comes from the Classical Greek word λειτουργία (leitourgia) meaning "public work." As a religious phenomenon, liturgy is a communal response to the sacred through activity reflecting praise, thanksgiving, supplication, or repentance ... it forms the basis for establishing a relationship with a divine agency, as well as with other participants in the liturgy.

Wait. A response to the sacred? Activity reflecting praise? Establishing a relationship with a divine agency (um, God?). Establishing a relationship with other participants (our neighbours perhaps? community members?) This sounds a lot like service as worship. Or worship as service.

Our desire to serve others is a response to God, to our relationship with the divine - a tangible way to express our praise and thanksgiving, our gratitude. It is a response from the heart. And it is a response that changes not only ourselves, but the lives of those around us.

Lift up your hearts.
We lift them to the Lord.
Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
It is right to give God thanks and praise.

Friday, November 07, 2008


See you Monday at 6:30 at Rob & Lisa's ...

I'm not sure we can top eXtreme jEnga, but we'll try!

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Dear Quarry,

I really want to thank you for your most recent donation to Micah House, but more than that, for ALL the things you have done and mean to us here. You have had a profound influence upon us as we have grown from a fledgling ministry to a veteran on the social justice scene. You are spoken of OFTEN and always with the undertone and understanding that Quarry "really gets it", that you truly understand what we're about and how to serve us best.

I am, we are, so grateful for this relationship.

Quarry, may God bless you all.


do justice. love mercy. walk humbly with God.

Saturday, November 01, 2008


See you at the Irish's on Monday!
Rebecca & Dave will have a great evening planned for us.

I haven't heard any details for the evening - Dave & Rebecca will email if there's anything you need to know.

In the mean time, check the calendar for this week's meals ...

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Who are we?


Now what?

A few questions remain ...
What will our year look like?
What will we do to actively work toward who we are striving to become as a group?
What part will you play in this?

Please prayerfully consider these questions over the next few days ... join us on Monday with your ideas. I'm looking forward to some creative conversations!

Check the calendar for meals ... see you Monday!

ps. question du jour in German? Frage des tages.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Monday, October 20.

This week, we'll continue the planning process, moving on to beginning to make some tangible plans for Quarry's year ahead.

I'm sorry that I wasn't able to send out any followup questions this week - something came up this week that took up much of my time. However, we're still on track for Monday ...

Prior to gathering at Rob & Lisa's, please reread the emailed summary of our brainstorming session from last week (or check out the postit notes below). Please think about (and jot down notes):

- which three ideas in each category should be our top priorities for the year ahead. Why?
- which ideas are you uncertain about?
- how will we accomplish your three priorities? What role will you play in working toward these goals?

See you Monday!

6:30 dinner
Main: Maja
Veg Main: Les & Lindsay
Bread & Veggies: Rob & Lisa
Bevvies: Meghan
Tasty Treats: Mark

7:30 planning (I may have run out of postit notes!)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

this is a public service announcement.

VOTE. This Tuesday. Vote.

If you're still undecided about who you'll vote for, do some research about the party platforms. Here's one place to begin

If you wonder how to register, or where you should go to vote on Tuesday, go to Elections Canada.

Please, VOTE!

Friday, October 10, 2008

I have purchased stock in Post-its.

After an evening of celebrating the past of Quarry, we have now moved to looking to the future of our community. Monday was a great evening of sharing our hopes for our group - who we will become, what we will do, how we hope to experience God?

After praying & generating ideas, we began to discuss with which of these ideas we were all in agreement and committed to working together to make happen.

Which ones are you uncertain about? Let us know - let's continue to chat before we next gather together to come to consensus and begin to plan ...

There is still more discussion to be had! I will be emailing a summary of our post-it notes, which will also include some additional ideas submitted by some folks who missed Monday evening. Please read & pray through these ideas.

For any of these ideas to happen we all, individually and as a group, need to be commited to working at them. Decide which ones you are committed to. Think about which ideas excite you, which ones seem realistic, which ones are a challenge you are up for, which ones don't ring true for you, which ones you will help to make happen.

. . .
A reminder of our conversations this week:

In a year, what do we want to say about Quarry?
When our beloved sticky notes appear next year, what do we want to be able to write on them?

Here are the ideas that we currently agree upon:
(click on the picture to read the stickies on a larger image)

Here are the ideas that we don't all currently agree upon:

Some personal reflections to keep in mind as you mull over our conversations:

Personally, what would cause you to stop being part of Quarry?

Personally, what would encourage you to continue being part of Quarry?

I'll email some more reflection questions early next week, as well as some directed questions to begin preparing for next Monday.

Enjoy your tofurkey ... see you next week!

Thursday, October 02, 2008

it's something unpredictable ...

How good it was to look back on the past few years of our Quarry community on Monday evening - can you believe we're in our fourth year together?!? So many good memories, relationships strengthened, questions asked, questions answered (well, perhaps more questions asked than answered ...), fun times had, meals shared, children welcomed, "international" representatives commissioned ...

Through all of this, and most importantly, we have seen God at work. God has been at the centre of our community; strengthening, challenging, healing, moving. God has been faithful, responding to our questions, dreams and hopes ...

As promised, press play for your custom slideshow soundtrack - two of my all time favourite songs :)

Quarry. Who have we been? What have we done? (yellow & orange) What has been our focus? (pink) How have we experienced God? (green)

(click on the image for a larger view - you'll be able to read the postits)

As we begin to look forward to the next months and year, we need to be prayerful, both individually and as a group, about where we are going and who we are becoming. Please take time this week to ponder and pray about the next steps for Quarry. This Monday, we will continue this process, praying together and sharing our honest ideas.

... What does the future of Quarry look like?
... What are your hopes for Quarry?
... What will be our priorities & focus?
... What will our group look like? What will we do?
... What role will you take in this?

So that we can set aside focused time for this conversation, let's try to begin promptly on Monday ... 6:30 for dinner, 7:30 on the red couch (don't forget your fabric swatches for the question-de-jour furniture consultation).

Monday's Meal (Oct 6)
Main: Les & Lindsay
Main (veg): Rob & Lisa
Bread & Veggies: Meghan
Beverages: Mark
Dessert: Jess & Gilbert

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

change of plans.

Although we had a fun evening playing Settlers of Catan on Monday (congrats Gilbert & Lisa ... well played!), it was disappointing to have had to set aside the original plans for this week’s Quarry.

It was to be an evening of looking back and celebrating all that has happened in & to Quarry over the past four years - I was excited to reflect together on God's faithfulness and continual presence in the life of our group. This was to be the first step in beginning to look forward as a group. With so many folks missing, we decided to set aside these plans, in hopes that we will all gather together next week to begin the celebrating, planning & dreaming.

It seems that we’re at a pivotal point in the life of our group. Many of our group have moved to new (far-away) homes, and many others are entering into new seasons of life. We’re in a time of transition, both as individuals and as a group. This isn’t just a token planning session, in an attempt to use up my stock of sticky notes :) We need to have some focused, honest conversations about where Quarry is going ...

Please try to join us for the next few weeks. If you’re not planning to come, please let me know. We need to continue with the process, but it is key for me to be aware of who will not be participating. Let me know what you’re thinking ...

So, let’s plan to gather back together at the Irish’s on Monday to begin the conversation with some celebrating! See you at 6:30 ...

main: Gary
main veg: Meghan
bread & veggies: Mark
beverages: Jess & Gilbert
dessert: Maja

Rob, finding solace in some tea after losing his teammate Meghan to the inter-city commute.

"Team not-quite-the-winner-but-we-did-have-the-longest-road-for-most-of-the-game."

So close to winning. If only ...

The winning team!

Friday, September 19, 2008

monday ... and beyond.

This week we're going to begin to look at the year ahead for Quarry ... who do we want to become & what do we want to do? Can you believe that we are in our fourth year as Quarry?!? So much has happened ... and so much is yet to happen.

Please begin to think about ...

. What would I like to see as the focus of Quarry this year?
. How would I like to see each evening/week/month/year structured?
. What would I like to see stay the same in the year ahead? Change? How?
. Many of our group members have moved away in the past few months. Are you content with the current size of Quarry, or should we be inviting others to join this group? If so, whom?
. For Quarry to happen each week, not only do we need to generate ideas, but we also need to put those ideas into action. What is my involvement going to be in Quarry in the next year? How will I use my gifts/resources/skills? Role? Time commitment?

This is a key conversation as we look to the year ahead - hoping that everyone will be able to join us! See you at 6:30.

Main Meghan
Main veg Mark
Bread & Veg Jess & Gilbert
Bevvies Maja
Dessert Les & Lindsay

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

hands up hands on.

Wow. So great to see everyone last week!
Good to be in the same room together, catch up & pray together.
Looking forward to seeing y'all again on Monday ...

Here's the meal plan for this week:

Main Course (veg): Mark
Main Course: Jess & Gilbert
Veggies & Bread: Maja
Bevies: Les & Lindsay
Dessert: Rob & Lisa

See you at Rob & Lisa's at 6:30.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

September 8

Happy September!
Hoping that you all had a wonderful long weekend ...

This Monday, we'll be gathering at Rob & Lisa's to continue the Psalms series.
Following last week's discussion/email conversation, we will need to chat more about our Micah House commitment over dinner.

In the weeks to come we will take an evening to look at Quarry's year ahead, including our 'out of the living room' plans, but in the meantime we'll need to chat about Micah House specifically.

Here's the meal calendar for this week:
Dinner Gary
Dinner V Rob & Lisa
Bread & Veggies Rebecca
Bevies Meghan
Dessert Mark
*Note there are 12 people on the meal list, 2 veggies.

6:30 dinner
7:30 psalms (bring a Bible)

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Happy Labour Day!
No Quarry this week.
See you September 8.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

August the twenty-fifth.

We're on to Phase Three of the Psalms this Monday.
BYOB. Bible, that is. (oh, lame Christian humour ... I love it)

I really enjoyed our evening together last week - so good to think more about my conversations with God. My requests. My demands. My reponses. I'm looking forward to our conversations this week, taking a further look at the Psalms ...

Here's the food plans for Monday:
Dinner Maja
Dinner V Janelle
Bread & Veggies Les & Linds
Bevies Gilbert & Jessica
Dessert Meghan
*Note there are 12 people on the meal list, 2 veggies.

6:30 dinner. If you're bringing food, please try to be prompt.
7:30 psalms.

See you Monday!

Thursday, August 14, 2008


This Monday: Phase Two of the Psalms series.

If you missed the first week, don't worry!
Bring your Bible & jump in.

Rob has been sharing some interesting & creative approaches to exploring the Psalms. I'm looking forward to what is coming next ...

See you Monday! Check the calendar for meals ...

6:30 dinner. If you're bringing food, please try to be prompt.
7:30 psalms.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

get ready. it's time for ...

Gary's annual Quarry pool party!!!!

Yeeeahhh. Bring your bathing suit, a beverage & your favourite potluck contribution (no calendar this week - 'cause we're craaazy like that) to Gary's place at 389 Cosburn Crescent.

To find us:
Travel east on New Street towards Appleby Line
Turn right onto Breckonwood (two streets before Appleby)
Turn Left onto Cosburn Crescent. Stop at #389. Jump in pool.

Waterwings optional. Cannonball competition required.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

will we or won't we?

This Monday: we may attempt to begin our look at the psalms.
Or, we may sit around outside chatting ...

Either way, see you chez Irish at 6:30 for dinner (check the calendar) and then whatever might happen after that!

Friday, July 04, 2008

Monday, July 7 (and July 14th and 21st!)

This Monday, we'll be gathering at Rob & Lisa's to begin a new series on the Psalms.
Rob will be leading us through the next few weeks (I'm away for a few weeks in BC!) - it looks to be a really interesting series with some creative evenings ahead.

Please check the calendar for meals.

6:30 dinner
7:30 the psalms

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

venturing into the big city

This Monday, Shane Claiborne (author of Irresistable Revolution & Jesus for President) is speaking at the Church of the Redeemer in Toronto.

Shane is an inspiring speaker - so interesting to hear about his perspective on community & how he lives life. I hope you'll be able to come!

The evening begins at 7pm at Church of the Redeemer, which is at the corner of Bloor & Avenue Road (across from the ROM and just steps from the Museum subway stop ... three cheers for public transit!). Admission is pay-what-you-can, with a suggested donation of $10.

If you're not familiar with Shane or "The Simple Way" community, check out The Simple Way Website

Hope to see you in Toronto (or on the GO) on Monday ...

Saturday, June 21, 2008

the plan.

Here it is:
See you Monday at Rob & Lisa's.
If you're on the calendar, please bring food ... and please try to be there at 6:30.
See you then!

Monday, June 09, 2008

Quasi-seasonal Quarry Copetown Bonfire!

This Monday (June 16), we're taking a road trip to Rebecca's!!!

That's right ... an evening of bbqing, barn exploration, star gazing (it's the countryside - you can actually see the stars!) woods wandering, bonfiring aaaaand ....


Here's the plan. Rebecca, Rhonda & Maja will bring the burgers, buns & condiments (prepare yourself: it's a meat-free house). Everyone else will bring their favourite food item in the form of a delicious appetizer, beverage or dessert. Be prepared to share this food with others.

Meet in the Irish driveway at 6:30 to depart for Copetown (save a tree, share a car).
Or meet at Rebecca's at 7:15: 853 Powerline Road East, Copetown.

It's gonna be fuuuuun. See you there!

Friday, June 06, 2008

monday monday

We had a great turnout at Micah House last week ... amazing how quickly we finished the garage!

This Monday, we'll see you in the Irish kitchen - check the calendar for meals.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

micah house monday!

It's been a while since we've ventured into the garage at Micah House ...

So, this Monday we're going to bravely open the doors and start cleaning (oh, and they have a few other tasks that need to be done around the house while we're there).

Here's the plan:

6:30 depart from Rob & Lisa's driveway
7:00 meet in Micah House driveway
when we're done, we can find somewhere for wings and soy.

If you need directions, please email me (or meet in Rob & Lisa's driveway for carpooling).

See you Monday!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Sunday, May 25, 2008


This Monday, we'll continue our conversation about prayer. It seems it might take more than one week to tackle all of our questions!

See you Monday at Rob & Lisa's ... check the meal calendar for tasty treats.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

long weekend!

No Quarry this week ... see you next Monday!

Friday, May 09, 2008

second monday in may

let's try again this week with el projectoro bluey ...

see you at Rob & Lisa's at 6:30 - don't forget your cool eats/hot treats.

'til monday ...

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

first monday in may

This Monday we're returning to Rob & Lisa's.

See you there at 6:30 for dinner (check the calendar),
followed by something downstairs at 7:30

Sunday, April 27, 2008


Well friends,
it turns out that Gilbert and Jess aren't quite ready for a dozen people to come in and paint...(but do stay tuned for an upcoming opportunity to put our pro-painting skills to work!)

so... change of plans.

let's still have a time of hang outs, drinks, appetizers, deserts, whatever your heart desires on these lovely spring days...
7:00ish at Emma's Backporch (on old lakeshore road)

See you there!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

monday monday

so we're gonna be eatin' and greetin' at the Irish's
6:30 - 7:45ish
(try to be on time)

then heading over to the church to use the sanctuary for some space and time to worship and jsut reflect more on these names of God... and us are image bearers of God... and our names...

or... been thinking... with the smaller group tonight it seems.. we may want to make use of this nice weather as space as well.

stay tuned.

really. we just want to provide some space.
a treasured thing in our lives it seems...

come and join us.

Friday, April 11, 2008

What is in a name?

This Monday, we'll gather again at Rob & Lisa's to continue our exploration of "name" ...

6:30 dinner (check the calendar & please try to be prompt)
7:30 a rose by any other name ...

See you then!

Monday, April 07, 2008

PLAN A is now in effect. I repeat, PLAN A is now in effect.

New Horizons is ready to go and does not need our help this evening.
See you at Rob & Lisa's at 6:30, as per usual ...

Sunday, April 06, 2008

monday ... plan A.

Here's the most-likely plan for Monday:
6:30 dinner (check the calendar)
7:30 conversations, questions ... answers?

However, there's slim possibility of Plan B:
New Horizons (remember the thrift store we went to last month)is opening on Tuesday, and there is lots to be done before the doors open. They are hoping to have it all complete by the end of Monday afternoon. However, if there is still last-minute work to be done on Monday night, I've said that we could help out ... sound ok?
Here's the catch - we won't know until mid-afternoon Monday, once New Horizons has a sense of where they're at. Sooooo, stay tuned. I'll send out an email mid-afternoon to update you & let you know if Plan B will be put into action. Keep your eye on the bat phone.

See you tomorrow!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

multimedia monday

You know the drill:

6:30 dinner chez Irish
7:30 the rest ...

Check the calendar for meal planning ...

Sunday, March 23, 2008


This Monday: Rob & Lisa's place

6:30 eating together(check the calendar!)
7:30 sitting in circles & talking about stuff.

See you there ...

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

holy week...

it was good to get together and catch up, check in, and be in community together last night.
we didn't get to the scripture reading that was geared toward the easter message, but hoping that we will all be intentional to prepare ourselves for this 'cosmic event' of easter...

i encourage you to head to a holy week service...
the ones some of the downtown burlington churches are apart of include:
Tuesday, March 18
7:00pm at Burlington Baptist: Challenge of Faith viewed through film/art

Wednesday, March 19
7:00pm at Burlington Baptist: Consequences of Love understood thru music

Thursday, March 20
7:00pm at Burlington Baptist: Quiet, Reflective Service including communion and using some of the songs of taize

Or check out the Hamilton Art Gallery for their 'word became flesh' series right now...

Or attend a stations of the cross service...
Or read the gospel accounts of the days approaching easter...
Or spend a day in prayer or fasting...

Take time to prepare your heart and mind and really make easter significant...

Sunday, March 16, 2008

el lunes

This Monday ... Quarry chez Irish!

Check the calendar for an updated list of meal contributors. Yes, we're actually going to have dinner this week!

See you at 6:30 for dinner, 7:30 for the rest ...

So i think the meal line up is...

Dinner Janelle
Dinner V Rhonda
Bread & Veggies Ian
Bevies Heather C
Dessert Les & Linds


Thursday, March 06, 2008

march break monday

This Monday, we're returning to the Salvation Army to help them with food sorting!

Please meet at the Salvation Army at 6:00

Check out for directions (click on 'find us')
The address is: 1800 Appleby Line, Unit 14, Burlington
(please note there are a few sally ann churches, don't go to that one.we want to go to the community services one/food bank one)

Thanks to Gary for organizing this Monday's Quarry!

If you're not able to make it, please let Gary know - if we're going to have a small team, we need to know ahead of time ...

See you then! Well, actually I won't ...
Have a great evening!

PS. It's another evening without dinner. We'll let you know when we will someday dine together again!

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

new horizons

This Monday we were at New Horizons - a community thrift store in North Hamilton, cleaning and hauling supplies from deep beneath James Street.

I'm looking forward to seeing what it looks like once all of the work is complete!

(Oh, that's not our newest member of Quarry ... that's Ruth - the manager at New Horizons. An honourary member, perhaps?)

Thursday, February 28, 2008

mondays ...

This Monday:
We're going to Hamilton! New Horizons is a thrift store re-opening to serve North Hamilton. They are connected with Welcome Inn Community Centre & they are excited to have our help. We will be helping put the finishing touches on the store - painting, cleaning and stocking shelves.

We'll meet in the Irish driveway at 6:30 for carpooling and convene at New Horizons (520 James St. N) at 7:00. Please be prompt!

Next Monday:
It's March Break, so Maja & Rhonda are off to Mexico, building houses with the youth.
So ... what's the plan for Quarry? We need someone (or a team of someones) to plan the evening while we're away. Please let one of us know if you're interested in planning Quarry next week. We can help you with your ideas if you'd like ... who's in?

PS. We won't be dining together this week ... we'll try for next week!

Friday, February 22, 2008

pray... reflect... worship...

So Monday we are going to be doing something a little bit different...
let's gather together for some time to create some space to worship, wrestle with some of these things we've been learning in James, or just simple stop and rest in God.

Head over to Wellington Square.
we'll be meeting in the sanctuary and be engaging in some various forms of worship, prayer, and reflection.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

more info

Following our conversation on Monday, Owen has passed on some links to a few sites that will be of interest to you:

KAIROS - Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives – Links of Interest (by topic)

Council of Canadians – multi-issue social justice advocacy group – focuses on Canadian Issues.

WISEREARTH - BIG list of links for creating a better world to live in

The Working Centre (Kitchener) an example of a community driven social justice/anti-poverty initiative -

Hamilton Centre for Civic Inclusion – Equality and anti-racism -

Earth Focus -

Food Share (Toronto) "from field to table" approach to food systems -

Eat Local Project of Environment Hamilton -

Lifecycles – Victoria BC community NGO dedicated to food, health and sustainability

Food Not Bombs – taking action on food (in)security. Hosted in Hamilton by the McMaster chapter

Ontario Public Interest Research Group –

Greenventure– local environmental NGO with good projects, activities and info on building a more sustainable life in Hamilton -

Calculate your ecological footprint -

Looking a little more broadly/theoretical
The social determinants of Health -

Hamilton Roundtable for Poverty Reduction -

Thanks for a great evening Owen! I'm excited to see where this conversation goes next ...

PS. No Quarry on Monday ... Happy Family Day!

Saturday, February 09, 2008


This week at Quarry:
James 5:1-6

When we first began to look at James, this particular passage strongly resonated with many of us. What does it mean for us today? In our daily lives?

This week, Owen Caspell (guest-facilitator-extraordinaire) is going to help us begin to explore this passage and what it might mean for us today.

If you have a chance before Monday, set aside ten minutes to check this out:
The Story of Stuff

See you on Monday at Rob & Lisa's ...

Monday, February 04, 2008


after a few weeks out of the living room,
the red couch is calling our name.
lets connect, check in, laugh, learn.
oh, and eat.

we're back at Rob & Lisa Irish's.
See address on the right side panel...

check out food calender to see if you are on.

see you at 6:30.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


thank roberto,
for the tips on the quality mexican music out there.
check it out.
fyi - chacaron means nothing! random!

expiration dates



and later on ...