Thursday, February 28, 2008

mondays ...

This Monday:
We're going to Hamilton! New Horizons is a thrift store re-opening to serve North Hamilton. They are connected with Welcome Inn Community Centre & they are excited to have our help. We will be helping put the finishing touches on the store - painting, cleaning and stocking shelves.

We'll meet in the Irish driveway at 6:30 for carpooling and convene at New Horizons (520 James St. N) at 7:00. Please be prompt!

Next Monday:
It's March Break, so Maja & Rhonda are off to Mexico, building houses with the youth.
So ... what's the plan for Quarry? We need someone (or a team of someones) to plan the evening while we're away. Please let one of us know if you're interested in planning Quarry next week. We can help you with your ideas if you'd like ... who's in?

PS. We won't be dining together this week ... we'll try for next week!

Friday, February 22, 2008

pray... reflect... worship...

So Monday we are going to be doing something a little bit different...
let's gather together for some time to create some space to worship, wrestle with some of these things we've been learning in James, or just simple stop and rest in God.

Head over to Wellington Square.
we'll be meeting in the sanctuary and be engaging in some various forms of worship, prayer, and reflection.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

more info

Following our conversation on Monday, Owen has passed on some links to a few sites that will be of interest to you:

KAIROS - Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives – Links of Interest (by topic)

Council of Canadians – multi-issue social justice advocacy group – focuses on Canadian Issues.

WISEREARTH - BIG list of links for creating a better world to live in

The Working Centre (Kitchener) an example of a community driven social justice/anti-poverty initiative -

Hamilton Centre for Civic Inclusion – Equality and anti-racism -

Earth Focus -

Food Share (Toronto) "from field to table" approach to food systems -

Eat Local Project of Environment Hamilton -

Lifecycles – Victoria BC community NGO dedicated to food, health and sustainability

Food Not Bombs – taking action on food (in)security. Hosted in Hamilton by the McMaster chapter

Ontario Public Interest Research Group –

Greenventure– local environmental NGO with good projects, activities and info on building a more sustainable life in Hamilton -

Calculate your ecological footprint -

Looking a little more broadly/theoretical
The social determinants of Health -

Hamilton Roundtable for Poverty Reduction -

Thanks for a great evening Owen! I'm excited to see where this conversation goes next ...

PS. No Quarry on Monday ... Happy Family Day!

Saturday, February 09, 2008


This week at Quarry:
James 5:1-6

When we first began to look at James, this particular passage strongly resonated with many of us. What does it mean for us today? In our daily lives?

This week, Owen Caspell (guest-facilitator-extraordinaire) is going to help us begin to explore this passage and what it might mean for us today.

If you have a chance before Monday, set aside ten minutes to check this out:
The Story of Stuff

See you on Monday at Rob & Lisa's ...

Monday, February 04, 2008


after a few weeks out of the living room,
the red couch is calling our name.
lets connect, check in, laugh, learn.
oh, and eat.

we're back at Rob & Lisa Irish's.
See address on the right side panel...

check out food calender to see if you are on.

see you at 6:30.