Thursday, February 28, 2008

mondays ...

This Monday:
We're going to Hamilton! New Horizons is a thrift store re-opening to serve North Hamilton. They are connected with Welcome Inn Community Centre & they are excited to have our help. We will be helping put the finishing touches on the store - painting, cleaning and stocking shelves.

We'll meet in the Irish driveway at 6:30 for carpooling and convene at New Horizons (520 James St. N) at 7:00. Please be prompt!

Next Monday:
It's March Break, so Maja & Rhonda are off to Mexico, building houses with the youth.
So ... what's the plan for Quarry? We need someone (or a team of someones) to plan the evening while we're away. Please let one of us know if you're interested in planning Quarry next week. We can help you with your ideas if you'd like ... who's in?

PS. We won't be dining together this week ... we'll try for next week!


Rho said...

if you weren't there last monday... check out the bottom row, 4th in... doesn't it look like Rob?!

Anonymous said...

It Really does