Thursday, January 26, 2006

Quarry, Monday 30th

One of the goals of quarry is to create genuine community and opportunity to worship God. It's sometimes easy to worship and feel a sense of community as we pray for each other or worship in song together, but what about in our everyday life? So that being said, Monday night is movie night!! Let's enjoy some eats, drinks, conversation, and big screen action (honestly, the Irish's have a sweet set up in the basement!) Perhaps this is a great night to invite a friend to! Here's the details:
Dinner & a Movie...
Dinner will kick off at around 6:30...
but you can always join in whenever your schedule allows!
(Please try to contact Rob & Lisa if you plan on joining for dinner)
Rob & Lisa Irish
540 Bridgman Avenue (3 blocks east of Wellington Square)
phone: 905-632-9456

Tuesday, January 24, 2006


Saturday, Jan 28
Meet at church @ 12:40 (NOTE TIME CHANGE)
Sunday, Jan 29
Back around dinner/evening

Trip to check out Mars Hill Church (
and just for plain, good, road trip fun!

Contact: Janelle Donn - ; 905-543-0296 for info. Sign up by Wednesday, Jan 25.

flexing some spiritual muscles...

It's been great exploring this whole discernment thing and hearing God's voice. We spent time sharing crossroads, and frustrations of not knowing how to know which is the 'right way'... and then were comforted by the fact that sometimes it just doesn't matter. We dug into scripture, and started practicing some tools to examine ourselves and tune into God's voice. It's good to 'flex those muscles' like Steph put it. It was great to come together to seek to hear God's voice and word for each other... what a gift of community. You can't really do that on your own... Funny how God knew that and made us to live in communion with each other...

if anyone has any follow up reports, prayer requests, or comments on this 'series', drop 'em here.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Thursday, January 19, 2006

QUARRY, Mon Jan 23

Quarry is moving to a new home this week ... Rob and Lisa's house!

Dinner at 6:30
Please contact Rob & Lisa if you will be joining us for dinner
Gathering at 7:30

Rob & Lisa Irish
540 Bridgman Avenue (3 blocks east of Wellington Square)
phone: 905-632-9456

This week we'll be going further as we seek to discern God's will in our lives ... using some of the ideas we've been exploring this year, Steph will guide us through a time of listening for God's voice. It will be good to come together in prayer & worship, listening for God.

Join us for worship, prayer and fellowship (no! not the f-word! ) ...

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

monday, january 16

With our faithful blogmaster out east dining on lobsters,
I’ll attempt to fill in …

Last night was another “life-giving” Quarry (I love Monday nights!). A good night of digging into the Word. A great chance to sort through scripture and explore how others have sought to discern the will of God. Learning from folks in the old testament and the early church:
Naomi, Naaman, Elisha, Gideon … Jesus.
The Coles Notes Version of Discernment Tools:
Pray, Mourn, Pray, Fast, Pray, Roll the Dice, Pray, Commit, Pray Boldly, Act.

I’m still pondering Rob’s statement: “God doesn’t always care what you do or where you are. God is much more concerned with who you are.” Hmmmm …

“And whatever you do, whether in word or in deed,
do everything in the name of Lord Jesus,
giving thanks to God the Father through him.”
~Col 3:16-17

Stay posted for more info to come on Monday at Rob & Lisa’s …
looking forward to being together again, after we all return from travelling, work and sickness ...

PS. For those looking to explore the Prayer of Examen, check out this site (click on the fourth resource down on this page for the document):

Thursday, January 12, 2006

QUARRY, Mon Jan 16

Hope to see Dave & Alicia's living room crammed with people again on Monday night.
Dave @ Alicia Holloway's
623 Thornwood Avenue
(you can do the 411 or mapquest on it to get more details if you'd like)

6:30 - Dinner -
please contact Dave/Alicia if you plan on joining us for a meal...
7:30 - Gathering

Rob Irish will be leading us in some teaching and small groups as we dive more into this topic of 'discerning God's will for our lives'. Let's gather together to search scriptures, worship, and develop tools to seek His face and will for our lives...

Tuesday, January 10, 2006


A night of abundance is how I would probably descibe last night - fullness, richness, abundance...
From the big hearty meal, to the number of people squished in the living room (I think we hit close to 25 last night!), the fullness of conversations and even boisterous songs and games!, the contemplative teaching and sharing time, and the incredible sound of our voices being lifted up (last night I caught myself with a dorky grin on my face, just listening to the phenominal worship around me... it was beautiful!). The night continued even into more times of community and celebration into the late hours! God certainly was and is pleased with what we are doing at Quarry...As we've been talking about 'what is God's will'... i think it's in his will for us to meet together like we do...

May your week be filled God's abundance - LIFE GIVING MOMENTS.Last night we talked a bit about what are thing in your day that energize you and give you life! Take time to reflect and thank God for the things that fill you...

And huge blessings and prayers go to Simon, who is on his way to South Africa for the year...
Godspeed friend.

Friday, January 06, 2006

monday jan 9

come one. come all.
@ rhonda & maja's -
see previous post for directions/contact

6:30 - dinner...
let me know if you are coming or wanna/able to bring something.
7:30 - gathering...

a message from simon. Simon will be doing some leading and sharing monday night ANNNND it's his last Quarry before he heads off to South Africa to learn how to be way smarter and spiritual than us... *tear*
Hey ya'll! Looking forward to getting together with ya'll again! What will we be looking at? Well...with the sway and move of the Spirit, who knows really! What I CAN say is that we'll be going a little deeper into this whole "God's will" thing and what it looks like/feels like...etc.
As Bono once said, people, get ready. ;)

(aka Simon doesn't really know what he's talking about yet... lol.)

Hope to see the living room crammed with you all...

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


It was so good to be back together last night! Some new faces too and hoping to see everyone again over the next few weeks as we recover and get back into the groove...

For those who missed it, it certainly didn't take long for quarry to get back into its groove. Another night filled with space, sharing, prayer, and worship... and of coarse eating too.

A thought for the week...from the words of Oswald Chambers... the ultimate resolution is to be "your best for his glory". What a challenge, but at the same time it should be something that really frees us up to stop living for the expectations we put on ourselves or others put on us. God calling on our life is a big one, but one full of GRACE and JOY and PURPOSE... What is that going to look like in your life this year? How will that or should that impact how you live out 2006...

And remember your ultimate calling is to simply be. be the child of God he created you to be. simple. Rest in His promises...

Feel free to post comments, prayer requests, updates, etc. You don't have to sign up - you can just post anonomously.

Check up on the blog later for a word from Simon about next week's quarry...