Through all of this, and most importantly, we have seen God at work. God has been at the centre of our community; strengthening, challenging, healing, moving. God has been faithful, responding to our questions, dreams and hopes ...
As promised, press play for your custom slideshow soundtrack - two of my all time favourite songs :)
Quarry. Who have we been? What have we done? (yellow & orange) What has been our focus? (pink) How have we experienced God? (green)

(click on the image for a larger view - you'll be able to read the postits)
As we begin to look forward to the next months and year, we need to be prayerful, both individually and as a group, about where we are going and who we are becoming. Please take time this week to ponder and pray about the next steps for Quarry. This Monday, we will continue this process, praying together and sharing our honest ideas.
... What does the future of Quarry look like?
... What are your hopes for Quarry?
... What will be our priorities & focus?
... What will our group look like? What will we do?
... What role will you take in this?
So that we can set aside focused time for this conversation, let's try to begin promptly on Monday ... 6:30 for dinner, 7:30 on the red couch (don't forget your fabric swatches for the question-de-jour furniture consultation).
Monday's Meal (Oct 6)
Main: Les & Lindsay
Main (veg): Rob & Lisa
Bread & Veggies: Meghan
Beverages: Mark
Dessert: Jess & Gilbert
1 comment:
I totally forgot about Chinamyte...
What happened to Asian Invasion, Maja?
You can't forget those dreams.
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