Saturday, March 31, 2007
6:30 dinner
7:30 exploring Philippians continues ...
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
more to ponder.. .on microfinancing...
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Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Red Letter Christians
This one is slightly more thought-provoking than the choreographed treadmill routine ... though no less inspirational.
You'll have to click below to watch ...
What do you think?
Friday, March 23, 2007
You know the drill:
6:30 dinner (check out the calendar)
7:30 Philippians continues ...
Until Monday ...
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Saturday's Conference: The Evolving Church

This Saturday, March 24 ...
Registration starts at 8:00 on the other side of Oakville, so we will be meeting early early on Saturday morning!
If you want to carpool, meet in Rob & Lisa's driveway at 7:30. Yup, that's 7:30 AM. (I know, I know ... set your alarm!).
If you haven't registered, and are still interested in attending, please go to the conference website:
It's a bring-your-own-lunch (or go-out-for-lunch) conference, wrapping up at 6:00.
Afterward, if you're interested in chatting more about the conference, come on over to Rob & Lisa's! Bring $10 with you, as we'll be ordering out for dinner ...
See you Saturday!
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Fair Trade
If you are interested in ordering Fair Trade coffee, tea, chocolate (milk&dark) or hot chocolate, Nancy James can help you out!
If you're wondering, "What is fair trade, and why should I be interested?"
check out:
Please contact Nancy before Sunday (March 25) to place an order:
905.631.8337 or
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Friday, March 16, 2007
monday ... moving!
This Monday (March 19), we'll be at Orville & Nancy James' place where Orville will be teaching us on our next Philippians topic ...
Philippians 2:1-4, 2:14-18, 3:4-8
Don't forget to check out the meals calendar (top right). See you Monday!
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Who, being in very nature God,
did not consider equality with God something to be grasped,
but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant,
being made in human likeness.
And being found in appearance as a man,
he humbled himself and became obedient to death—even death on a cross!
Therefore God exalted him to the highest place
and gave him the name that is above every name,
that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
and every tongue confess that
Jesus Christ is Lord,
to the glory of God the Father.
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
if this is who jesus is, what does this mean for me?
see you at rob & lisa’s at 6:30 for dinner, 7:30 for the rest.
check out the calendar (top right corner) for meal prep ...
scripture tells us also that jesus is ...
eternal . saviour . blameless .
exalted above the heavens .
authority over life and death .
power to resist temptation . set apart from sinners .
aligned/one with God . light of the world .
baby . righteous anger .
generous . clear . intercessor . scary .
priest . sanctified . not of the world .
saver . pure . joyful in a deep way .
knew of his glory with father before the world began .
willingness to die . blameless .
compassionate . not afraid . astonishing acts .
aware of situations of people & takes them into consideration .
wise . forgiving . confident .
giving only what people can deal with . tests people .
prophetic . insightful . solitary .
hard to know what he was thinking .
divine . life-giving . wise . equal with God .
s*** disturber .
persistent .
scripture also told us that jesus is ...
authoritative . popular . hated .
knows what we really want, even if we don’t .
the way, the truth, the life .
good knowledge of scripture … good comebacks .
apple-cart-upsetter .
calming . better than regular people .
profound beyond his age . convicting (points of truth) .
omnipresent . miraculous . clear message giver .
commissioning . motivating . intentionally conspicuous .
subtle . truthful . repetitive .
endangered . protected by parents .
loved . free willed . powerful . smart .
intentionally planning/staging events .
lives an example . worthy of honour .
zeal . goes against the norm .
self-righteous . strong will .
gives us grace . demanding . counselor . prayerful .
son of God . risen from the dead .
“he ain’t no fool” .
scripture tells us that jesus is ...
servant . commanding . giving . prayerful . holy . powerful .
has real emotions . humble . obedient . sense of who he was .
gave glory to God . recognizes his own worth .
healer . raises people from the dead .
non-judgemental of sinners . full of grace . judgement .
teacher . comforter . prankster . miracle worker .
authoritative . prophetic . stayed his course . anointed .
full of restraint & self-control . gives credit to God, his father .
faithful . supportive . worshipful .
political . shows himself best to children .
subversive . chosen .
inclusive . generous .
good self care . totally human . intense reactions & emotions .
interceding for us always .
git R done . sense of purpose .
abrupt . gentle . indignant .
bold . anti-institutional . challenging hierarchy .
recognition of who God is, and his place in the story .
people come first . traveller . appropriate & healthy emotion .
doesn’t care about social/cultural norms .
resistant to death, but obedient . impeccable timing .
perfect forever . living forever . sacrifice .
like lightening ...
we have experienced jesus to be ...
deep sense of purpose . challenger . perseverance .
humble . self-aware . good time management skills .
obedience to God . stubborn . forgiving .
Jewish . gentle .
controversial, even subversive .
holistic healer . blunt . good at bowling .
energetic . passionate . protector .
approachable . focus on the children .
the dude .
wisdom . giver . love . simple .
prayerful . comforter . teacher . compassion .
grace . forgiveness . role model . truth .
a mystery . true love . God’s face: so knowable .
power to provide . an example of what it is to be human .
creative . a healer still .