Wednesday, March 01, 2006

now what?

So i've been continuing to ponder Maja's thoughts and challenges on servanthood since Monday. So often I get caught up in just token acts of service, but not fostering a servant's heart...

What does that mean for Quarry? How can we better serve one another... how can we be continually looking outside ourselves? Staying late to do dishes? Offering someone a ride? Listening instead of speaking? Stepping outside of our comfort zones to bless someone else?

And beyond that - what does service look like with those in our everyday and mundane - from our families and friends, in our workplace, to the people we meet on the street (and sharing giving out wallets?!) or giving up your seat on the GO, to stacking chairs after a meeting at church...

So many possibitlies... so many i often miss...
May we humbly develop the attitude of Christ...

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