Friday, December 15, 2006

IT'S PARTY TIME! the second ANNUAL quarry christmas party!

second annual.
we can say that now.
how cool is that?! (almost as cool as the below post and comments)


7:00 - ???

The Dickens Pub

423 Elizabeth Street

(ya know... the one by th LCBO and Beer Store)

we have the "upper room" (the spiritual component of the evening)

we'll eat.
we'll drink.
we'll laugh.

Oh! and last week we talked about bringing canned food for Micah House. You can still do that, but we got a newsletter that made the following suggested ways of supporting them this Christmas
- assembling a "exit package" for the guests (includes cleaners, sponges, dish soap, tea towels, dish clothes, phone card, pail, etc)
- buying gifts for the guests to open on Christmas morning
- financial contributions

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