Sunday, April 15, 2007


See you this Monday at Rob & Lisa's place!
6:30 din-din (check the quarry calender for april 16th's contributors...)
7:30 gathering...
we'll have good time of check in, worship, and reflection on our phillipians series...


Anonymous said...

Just FYI: The "contributors" for this Monday's meal still stand (despite last week's night on the town). Those scheduled for last week have simply been bumped to the next yet-unassigned Monday (i.e. May 14th).

Anonymous said...

PS~Nathan, if you're reading this, please do not be alarmed. This is not "planning" this is community at its best: (that is to say) Those of us who are administratively inclined do all this stuff in the back ground(ish), so you (and others like you) can continue to live passionately and pretend like we're actually flying by the seat of our pants ;-).