Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Some people are looking for a fight because they aren't in one.

Some reflections on Matthew 3:1-5 from our good friend RB ...

There is a response to anger that is essentially all about us. Our pride, our ego, all of the ways we work so hard to prop up and defend our selfish little kingdoms. But that isn't what is going on here with Jesus. Jesus has identified himself with an injustice bigger than himself. There is something divine about his anger because some things are worth getting angry about.

Jesus' anger leads to an act of healing and restoration. His anger, it increases the peace of the world. It leads to this good deed that makes things better.

We need to embrace the simple truth that we were made to give ourselves to a cause bigger than ourselves ... a cause that increases the peace in the world ... a cause, a purpose, a task that makes the world a better place.

May you be aware of your anger. May you learn to channel it, to focus it, direct it into something beautiful. And may it fuel sacred acts of healing and restoration.

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