Wednesday, January 09, 2008


Happy Hump Day! Don't you remember when you're teachers would call Wednesday 'hump day'... how strange really....

In looking ahead to Monday's Quarry...
we are going to be jumping back into our study on James.
One of the ideas people were excited about in our early discussions of James was each picking a 'key verse/life verse' that you would want to target in on personally, to work on.
As we approach the new year, maybe this is a good time to follow up from last week, and being intentional to work on something God may be speaking to you about. We want to be able as a community to provide accountability and support for one another,
so let's dust off the book of James from our holiday hiatus and please give it a read
before Monday. Pick out a verse or so that you feel is really jumping out at you, kicking you in the gut, or subtly nudging you to something to work on. Ask God to reveal a significant passage to you that you want to be held accountable to and work on...

If you don't read it before Monday... the evening will not really be all it can be for you, so try and give it a read - even if it's 10mins before Quarry starts...

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