Friday, December 29, 2006

happy new year!

See you on January 8th!

Gathering chez Reynolds (right guys?!) ... check the calendar soon for the meal schedule update.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Friday, December 15, 2006

IT'S PARTY TIME! the second ANNUAL quarry christmas party!

second annual.
we can say that now.
how cool is that?! (almost as cool as the below post and comments)


7:00 - ???

The Dickens Pub

423 Elizabeth Street

(ya know... the one by th LCBO and Beer Store)

we have the "upper room" (the spiritual component of the evening)

we'll eat.
we'll drink.
we'll laugh.

Oh! and last week we talked about bringing canned food for Micah House. You can still do that, but we got a newsletter that made the following suggested ways of supporting them this Christmas
- assembling a "exit package" for the guests (includes cleaners, sponges, dish soap, tea towels, dish clothes, phone card, pail, etc)
- buying gifts for the guests to open on Christmas morning
- financial contributions

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

question du jour

Consider this our Christmas gift to you, our Quarry friends.
Get ready for the most memorable 'outfits' of our childhoods ...
circa 1984: the legendary computer sweatshirt

take note of the battery pack.
and now, scroll down ...
keep scrolling ...
a little bit further ...
trust me, it's worth it ...
scroll scroll ...
aaaand ...
Don't let the sweater distract you ...

:) maja & rho

Friday, December 08, 2006

QUARRY, Monday

you guessed it.
at rob & lisa's

540 Bridgman Avenue

6:30 din-din
7:30 gathering

... the pondering of the evening... "what does this advent deal really mean to you"... let's let scripture really speak to us and help us prepare for the upcoming Christmas season...

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Housekeeping, and a cool thought

Ok, so to your right (if you are on the main page) you will see link "Quarry Calendar". Click on it, and up comes a beautiful calendar with info about Quarry. If you click on an event, you see details, ie the location for next week is Rob and Lisa's. At the bottom, you can click on subscribe if you have a Google/Gmail account, and your calendar will be kept up-to-date with all the details. Pretty cool eh? I love it when technology is put to good use.

I have added the dates for Micah House, and the extra ones that are empty/available. Let me know if you want to help out. Rhonda, are ya???

Ok, now for the cool thought. I have been reading Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller (great book, not as good as Searching for God Knows What, but still great). I thought this passage was really neat. Wouldn't it be cool if people said these kind of things about Quarry (not the smoking pot stuff, and I'm not sure about the "loving each other... too physically"). I think we are off to a great start, let's keep working on it.

How to Really Love Other People

When my friend Paul and I lived in the woods, we lived with hippies. Well, sort of hippies. They certainly smoked a lot of pot. They drank a lot of beer. And man did they love each other, sometimes too much, perhaps, too physically, you know, but nonetheless they loved; they accepted and cherished everybody, even the ones who judged them because they were hippies. It was odd living with the hippies at first, but I enjoyed it after a while.

They were not the traveling hippies, the "live off the land and other people" hippies. They were formally educated, most of them from New York studying at NYU, getting their master's in literature, headed off to law school, that sort of thing. They knew all about Rostandt, all about Hopkins and Poe and Sylvia Plath. The know the Americans and the Brits and the fashionable African writers, the Cubans and South Americans. They were books themselves, all of them were books, and what was so wonderful is that to them, I was a book too. We would sit around and talk about literature and each other, and I couldn't tell the difference between the books they were talking about and their lives, they were just that cool. I liked them very much because they were interested in me. When I was with the hippies I did not feel judged, I felt loved. To them I was an endless well of stories and perspectives and grand literary views. It felt so wonderful to be in their presence, like I was special.

I have never experienced a group of people who loved each other more than my hippies in the woods. All of them are tucked so neatly in my memory now, and I recall our evenings at camp or in the meadow or in the caves in my mind like a favorite film. I pull them out when I need to be reminded about goodness, about purity and kindness.

So much of what I know about getting along with people I learned from the hippies. They were magical in community. People were drawn to them. They asked me what I loved, what I hated, how I felt about this and that, what sort of music made be angry, what sort of music made me sad. They asked me what I daydreamed about, what I wrote about, where my favorite places in the world were. They asked me about high school and college and my travels around America. They loved me like a good novel, like an art film, and this is how I felt when I was with them, like a person John Irving would write. I did not feel fat or stupid or sloppily dressed. I did not feel like I did not know the Bible well enough, and I was never conscious what my hands were doing of whether or not I sounded immature when I talked. I had always been so conscious of those things, but living with the hippies I forgot about myself. And when I lost this self-consciousness I gained so much more. I gained an interest in people outside my own skin. They were greater than movies to me, greater than television. The spirit of the hippies was contagious. I couldn't hear enough about Eddie's ballerina girlfriend or Owen's epic poems. I would ask them to repeat stories because, to me, they were like great scenes in favorite movies. I cannot tell you how quickly these people, these pot-smoking hippies, disarmed me.

Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined there were, outside the church, people so purely lovely as the ones I met in the woods. And yet my hippie friends were not at all close to believing that Christ was the Son of God.

This did not confuse me so much as it surprised me. Until this point, the majority of my friends had been Christians. In fact nearly all of them had been Christians. I was amazed to find, outside the church, genuine affection being shared, affection that seemed, well, authentic in comparison to the sort of love I had known within the church. I was even more amazed when I realized I preferred, in fact, the company of the hippies to the company of Christians. It isn't that I didn't love my Christian friends or that they didn't love me, it was just that there was something different about my hippie friends; something, I don't know, more real, more true. I realize that is a provocative statement, but I only felt I could be myself about them, and I could not be myself with my Christian friends. My Christian communities had always had little unwritten social ethics like don't cuss and don't support Democrats and don't ask tough questions about the Bible.

I stayed in the woods only a month. I wanted to stay longer, but I had secured a job in Colorado at a Christian camp and needed to honor that agreement. Though I had spent only a month with the hippies, it seemed like a lifetime. I had learned more about people, about community and happiness and contentment by living in the woods than I had in a lifetime of studying these ideas philosophically. I had discovered life outside the church, and I liked it. As I said, I preferred it. I said my sad good-byes and boarded a bus bound for Colorado.


Friday, October 27, 2006

Monday, Oct 30

This Monday, Quarry is @ Rob & Lisa's place

540 Bridgman Avenue

6:30 dinner
7:30 prayer, worship, chat ...

We'll be continuing our look at the bible and how to really dig into the word of God. Tonight Rev. Walter Maritilla will be taking us thru some tips and teachings on studying the word.

so perhaps a good idea to bring your bible...

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Monday, Oct 23

Hello Quarry friends!

We'll be meeting at the "Rev's" house this week, as Orville will be teaching and leading us thru some thoughts on scripture. We spent several weeks digging into prayer, and want to spend some time looking at the Word. How do we really study it? This week we'll be looking at how do we really meditate on scripture. What does that mean really?

Orville & Nancy James live at
680 Ramsgate Rd
(905) 631-8337

6:30 dinner
7:30 meeting

We haven't yet figured out meal planning ...
So, any takers for:
main courses?
salad & bread - rho

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


happy thanksgiving all! enjoy your long weekend, turkeys, tofu, and family fun... (?).. !!

we won't be having quarry (officially that is)

see you all next week!

Here it is ... yum yum tofurkey ... who wants a piece?

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Micah House schedule

Here is the Micah House Schedule. I will also send out emails a week in advance, and a day in advance.

Dinner should be served @ 6pm, and brunch is 10am. If you have any questions talk to Lindsay, Maja or me. If you are serving and haven't sent in your application, let's get going :-) Let me know if you need a copy.

Again, I think it is great that we stepped up to the plate on this. And thanks again to "Becky" for heading up the garage cleaning. It should be fun!

Sunday, September 17, 2006

QUARRY, Monday Sept 18

This week we'll be gathering at Dave & Alicia's
623 Thornwood Avenue

6:30 dinner/bbq
7:30 worship, discussion, prayer ...

please be prompt and remember to bring the items you signed up for! :)

Thursday, September 14, 2006

let God speak back to you..

So one of the best things i got out of monday night was creating space for me and God to talk. prayer essentially. but prayer sounds so 'stiff' sometimes. monday night i found myself asking God alot of questions. thinking about the upcoming year, some decisions i need to make, etc. All night i felt complelled to write and journal...

i went to a seminar once about listening to God and allowing the Holy Spirit to fill you and speak to you... in your journalling. It may feel a bit weird or 'dear diary' at first... but sometimes i really feel the words are God's words and i can't stop my pen from writing. i found this on monday night. i'd ask God a question. he'd respond. i'd respond. a real conversation. it was refreshing.

give it a try.

have you and God talked today?

Sunday, June 18, 2006

word up from the bruce!

Hey guys! Rhonda here (and Steph too I suppose... somewhere on site..)
Just wanted to leave you a hello from good ol' Bruce County! Things are looking fantastic up at the camp and feels really good too! Our staff are slowly moving up and things will be gearing up soon!

Hope you all have a fantastic night at Quarry Monday... and the Monday's to come... i shall miss you...


Thursday, June 01, 2006


Beat the heat at Quarry!
(how's that for a cheezy line opener?!)
Hope to see you all out!
Location: Dave & Alicia Holloways
- 623 Thornwood Avenue -
6:30 dinner
7:30 worship, prayer, teaching...

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Pre-Quarry Sports Afternoon

We are having the first ever Quarry sports event!

When: 4:30pm, Monday - Victoria Day! - before Quarry.

Where: Lakeshore Public School, 2243 Lakeshore Road

This is within walking distance of Rhonda and Maja's house, so we will head directly there for dinner at 6:30.

What Sports: Soccer, Football?, maybe Basketball?, Ultimate?

Bring any sports equipment that you might have.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

NIDUS event?!

I came across this a few times now and in giving it a look, it looks pretty cool actually. If I was around I'd love to organize a camping weekend and checking it out... but alas, i'm gone to camp.
Nidus is a festival for people from all streams of Christian faith with music, arts, keynotes, worship, dialogue, drama and dance. Three days to express faith, celebrate the arts, and seek justice. The midus festival gathers people together to explore diversity and justice through music, arts, prayer and workshops.
Some great speakers i saw on the line up (Brian Mclarne (new kind of christian), and many more!) and a variety of musical styles. It really seems more than just a "kingdom bound" - it looks like it's got some quality going on....
Check out the website:

Sunday, May 14, 2006

QUARRY - Monday, May 15

This week come kick it at the Holloways for some dining, discussion, and... dancing? I needed another d-word... but likely there will be no dancing. but who knows...

We'll be hearing a presentation from Les regarding the Micah House... and we'll dive more into service and spiritual gifts. If we are longing to be a community that is active, so that 'no one is in need', we need to live and serve as a 'body with many parts' and use our spiritual gifts. A tag from our previous night on the Pentecost, let's spend time in small groups and sharing and learn more about what our community is made up of...

Location: Dave & Alicia Holloways
- 623 Thornwood Avenue -
Time: 6:30 dinner
7:30 worship, prayer, teaching...

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Monday, MAY 1st

Break in May with a night at Quarry!
Topic: Pentecost - what was the deal back then and today?! Flames?! Tongues?! The Holy Spirit?! We just celebrated Easter, but the important part now is the "what now?!" If we long to be an Acts 2 church (vs. 42- 47) and community, let's also explore the Pentecost (vs.1-41)
Location: Dave & Alicia Holloways - 623 Thornwood Avenue - 905.639.8842
Time: 6:30 dinner; 7:30 worship, prayer, teaching...


Hey guys! This was a post/comment from Les that is worth a good read! Fire off the questions/comments/interests! And thanks Les! This is exciting!
I thought that last night was great. Really encouraging. Things are really starting to happen. There are serious rumblings.

I emailed this to the list, but here is the info so far on Micah House.You can visit
I have also included some exerpts from the site, cause I know that I rarely click on links.

Micah House is the work of a group of Christians from a variety of churches and organizations in Hamilton. Together, it is our goal to demonstrate God's love to newly arrived refugee claimants upon their arrival in Hamilton...

Here are few examples of activities that volunteers will participate in:
* being a friend to a new arrival preparing and cooking meals with and for our guests
* preparing Welcome Packs for new guests
* visiting with guests in the home
* accompanying individuals to appointments
* helping a family set up and move into their new home
* gardening and maintaining the house
* tutoring or teaching English
* assisting in the office
* updating and maintainting the website and managing e-mail
* interpreting and translating for guests

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

how we doin'? QUARRY - Monday 24

Hey guys! Hope you all had a fantastic easter! It was so great to come together with those who were able, and have a time of celebration - celebration for what God had been doing in our lives, and in Quarry!

We want to allow God to continue to move freely in our lives, and thru the ministry of Quarry... so, let's come together and brainstorm and evaluate and dream about what the next steps are for Quarry. Take some time to pray about it this week - how does committing to 15mins this coming week to pray, write, listen, sound?

6:30 - Dinner - BBQ TIME!!!
7:30 - Discussions, worship, prayer, etc...
rob & lisa irish's
540 Bridgman Avenue
(3 blocks east of Wellington Square)

Monday, April 10, 2006

MONDAY, april 10 - FINAL SCOOP for tonight!

Hey guys, this just in!
how's that for last minute-ness! Again, im sorry!

But i think this plan is shaping out to be a real significant night of reflection as we approach easter...

we'll be meeting at: rob & lisa irish's
540 Bridgman Avenue
(3 blocks east of Wellington Square)

6:30 dinner
7:30 gathering
...worship, discussion, small group prayer time/ministry, space and reflection upon easter...

Sunday, April 09, 2006

MONDAY, April 10 - uhhh... stay tuned!

DETAILS TO COME on this week's Quarry. Due to some complications in planning, we may not be attending a church in stations of the cross worship... it may be a home church/normal model.
Sooo... stay tuned.


rho's number - 905.631.8267 if you need to call with an update...

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Monday, April 2

Our first Quarry in April! Hoorah! Hooray! Perhaps we get to have quarry bbqs' soon!

Hope to see you all out Monday
6:30- dinner
7:30 - worship/teaching/discussion
@ Lisa & Rob’s
540 Bridgman Avenue
905-632-9456(3 blocks east of Wellington Square)
send a shout out to Rob & Lisa if you will be joining us (or maybe not joining if you are a 'regular')

I'll be looking for volunteers to help bring stuff on Sunday, so you can beat me to the punch and let me know if you can bring something...

Topic: as we continue our preparation for Lent, and search thru the disciplines to find ways of seeking Him, we'll be looking at the spiritual discipline of submission.

Monday, March 06, 2006


What a great night of teaching, discussion, worship, and prayer we had together tonight at Quarry. For those who missed it, we talked about fasting as part of our series on 'spiritual disciplines'. We wrestled with questions like...should we even be fasting?... how can we fast for long periods of time and still be expected to function without proper nutrition?... are we even commanded to fast?... what are the wrong motives to fast?... We didn't come up with all the answers or a cookie cutter method to this act of fasting, but our hope in all the practice of discipline is to help us draw closer to God - that it be an act of worship - that we excercise new ways of seeking his face...

If you would like, you can join us as we fast together; several of us will be fasting prior to next week's Quarry. We will break our fast together at 6:30, Monday as we share a meal (and chocolate!) together. Perhaps you'd like to join us...

If you want to read up on fasting, Richard Foster's "Celebration of Discipline" has some fabulous thoughts and scriptures to look at.

Perhaps someone (nathan?) could post some of the basic suggestions for fasting as well.

Let us pray that God speaks to us in new and exciting ways this week!

Let us not just dip our toe in, but begin to swim...

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

now what?

So i've been continuing to ponder Maja's thoughts and challenges on servanthood since Monday. So often I get caught up in just token acts of service, but not fostering a servant's heart...

What does that mean for Quarry? How can we better serve one another... how can we be continually looking outside ourselves? Staying late to do dishes? Offering someone a ride? Listening instead of speaking? Stepping outside of our comfort zones to bless someone else?

And beyond that - what does service look like with those in our everyday and mundane - from our families and friends, in our workplace, to the people we meet on the street (and sharing giving out wallets?!) or giving up your seat on the GO, to stacking chairs after a meeting at church...

So many possibitlies... so many i often miss...
May we humbly develop the attitude of Christ...

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


So Monday night we got a great look at what the role of confession has been for various centuries, in the life of the church. (The funnest church history lesson I've been too in awhile i must say!) So what will it look like in our church community? Maybe not a confession booth, and maybe not everyone will find a safe accountability partner within this group - but may we create a safe place, where we can be authentic...

Friday, February 17, 2006

QUARRY, Monday Feb 20

Mix-mix-mixin' it up with a new topic, new speaker, and new location!

Topic: Spiritual Disciplines - confession
Guest Speaker: Tom Chire - a member of Wellington Square; former Jesuit preist

6:30 - dinner -try to drop Janelle a line if you will be joining for dinner (
7:00 - gathering - worship, teaching...

Janelle is housesitting for the Southon's (one of the minsiters at the Square). The minister is away, so QUARRY can play! Janelle is excited to host us this Monday!
3161 Trailwood Drive
Burlington, ON
(guelph line, to pinemeadow(right), to trailwood (right), house just on left hand side...)


here are some pics from days gone by.... gosh we're fun ;)
top row of pics - dinner out to east sides (december)
middle row - a night at quarry (january)
bottom row - road trip to mars hill/michagan (january)

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


Since so many of you missed our fine guest speaker on Monday, let me share with you some of the thoughts we talked thru that i got from the handout (yes! Dave even had a handout- how's that for impressive folks!)

The central point for the discipline of simplicity is to seek the Kingdom of God and the righteiousness of His Kingdom FIRST and then everything will come in it's proper order. Simplicity is an INWARD reality that results in an outward lifestyle.
Check out Matthew 6:19-34 for the scripture studied

Some outward expressions of simplicity (challenges you may say... for how to live out simplicity in your everyday life. remember not to get wrapped up in these things as rules - as then that becomes the idol; but relfect and pray on an area that God may be calling you too)
1) buy things for their usefulness rather than their status
2) Reject anything that is producing an addiction in you
3) Develop a habit of giving thigns away
4) Refuse to be propagandized by the custodians of modern gadgetry
5) Learn to enjoy things without owning them
6) Develop a deeper appreciation for the creation
7) Look with a healthy skepticism at all "buy now, pay later" schemes
8) Obey Jesus' instructions about plain, honest speech (matt 5:37)
9) Reject anything that breeds the oppression of others
10) Shun anything that distracts you from seeking first the Kingdom of God.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Monday, Feb 13

Sure Monday means the start of another week... but it also means QUARRY TIME! (how's that for a opener!) Hope to see you all and more out to fill up our living room on Monday!

We'll be digging into some of these "spiritual disciplines"...
Topic: Simplicity

6:30 - meal (thanks for those people who signed up to bring stuff! :) )
7:30 - gathering, worship, etc...@ Rhonda & Maja's
apt.1265 Ontario Street
Apt 604
buzz #229

Drop us an email ( or ring if you plan on joining us for dinner so we have enough eats - but we wouldn't turn you away if you just showed up ;)

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

don't settle...

Hey guys... a word i had during prayer time the other night together.
don't settle.
not sure what that means - was it for me? I know i need that word often... i settle for second best in my life and especially in my relationship with God. was it for us? what is for Quarry? what it just a random passing thought i had?
hmmm... thought i'd throw it out there.

As we dive into a new series, as we continue to 'be a generation that seeks His face', as we continue to grow and step out as a ministry - what is God calling us to? What does "settling" look like for Quarry? Ponder...

Looking forward to exploring and soon experiencing this season of Lent together.

be blessed.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Quarry, Monday Feb 6

Lent. What's the deal? What does it really mean? We're going to start digging into a new series on Lent and Spiritual Disciplines. Sounds quite intense and not fun doens't it? Hmm... well, if you come it will be fun! Come out as we intro this new topic. New people always welcome!!
Dinner will kick off at around 6:30...
Gathering at 7:30...
(Please try to contact Rob & Lisa if you plan on joining for dinner)
@ Rob & Lisa Irish's
540 Bridgman Avenue (3 blocks east of Wellington Square)
phone: 905-632-9456

QUARRY road trip recap...

So your feild reporters are back. Back from our trip to Grand Rapids - Mars Hill Church - home of Rob Bell, teacher extraordanaire! We survived over 10 hours in a 'pimpin' van (Yeah Maja!), "ultimate" drinks, and bunking together! It's interesting to see what community looks like when you spend so much time together! It was a great experience for everyone I think, and we are excited to take what we learned and see how it fits with our ministry here at Quarry. Lots to ponder... it's important for all of us to reflect and continue to vision for Quarry with that same intensity of those first days. God is moving so much in and thru this community, but what's next? I'm not just talking bigger and better, but a real heart check for Quarry - how are we doing? Something to chew on...

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Quarry, Monday 30th

One of the goals of quarry is to create genuine community and opportunity to worship God. It's sometimes easy to worship and feel a sense of community as we pray for each other or worship in song together, but what about in our everyday life? So that being said, Monday night is movie night!! Let's enjoy some eats, drinks, conversation, and big screen action (honestly, the Irish's have a sweet set up in the basement!) Perhaps this is a great night to invite a friend to! Here's the details:
Dinner & a Movie...
Dinner will kick off at around 6:30...
but you can always join in whenever your schedule allows!
(Please try to contact Rob & Lisa if you plan on joining for dinner)
Rob & Lisa Irish
540 Bridgman Avenue (3 blocks east of Wellington Square)
phone: 905-632-9456

Tuesday, January 24, 2006


Saturday, Jan 28
Meet at church @ 12:40 (NOTE TIME CHANGE)
Sunday, Jan 29
Back around dinner/evening

Trip to check out Mars Hill Church (
and just for plain, good, road trip fun!

Contact: Janelle Donn - ; 905-543-0296 for info. Sign up by Wednesday, Jan 25.

flexing some spiritual muscles...

It's been great exploring this whole discernment thing and hearing God's voice. We spent time sharing crossroads, and frustrations of not knowing how to know which is the 'right way'... and then were comforted by the fact that sometimes it just doesn't matter. We dug into scripture, and started practicing some tools to examine ourselves and tune into God's voice. It's good to 'flex those muscles' like Steph put it. It was great to come together to seek to hear God's voice and word for each other... what a gift of community. You can't really do that on your own... Funny how God knew that and made us to live in communion with each other...

if anyone has any follow up reports, prayer requests, or comments on this 'series', drop 'em here.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Thursday, January 19, 2006

QUARRY, Mon Jan 23

Quarry is moving to a new home this week ... Rob and Lisa's house!

Dinner at 6:30
Please contact Rob & Lisa if you will be joining us for dinner
Gathering at 7:30

Rob & Lisa Irish
540 Bridgman Avenue (3 blocks east of Wellington Square)
phone: 905-632-9456

This week we'll be going further as we seek to discern God's will in our lives ... using some of the ideas we've been exploring this year, Steph will guide us through a time of listening for God's voice. It will be good to come together in prayer & worship, listening for God.

Join us for worship, prayer and fellowship (no! not the f-word! ) ...

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

monday, january 16

With our faithful blogmaster out east dining on lobsters,
I’ll attempt to fill in …

Last night was another “life-giving” Quarry (I love Monday nights!). A good night of digging into the Word. A great chance to sort through scripture and explore how others have sought to discern the will of God. Learning from folks in the old testament and the early church:
Naomi, Naaman, Elisha, Gideon … Jesus.
The Coles Notes Version of Discernment Tools:
Pray, Mourn, Pray, Fast, Pray, Roll the Dice, Pray, Commit, Pray Boldly, Act.

I’m still pondering Rob’s statement: “God doesn’t always care what you do or where you are. God is much more concerned with who you are.” Hmmmm …

“And whatever you do, whether in word or in deed,
do everything in the name of Lord Jesus,
giving thanks to God the Father through him.”
~Col 3:16-17

Stay posted for more info to come on Monday at Rob & Lisa’s …
looking forward to being together again, after we all return from travelling, work and sickness ...

PS. For those looking to explore the Prayer of Examen, check out this site (click on the fourth resource down on this page for the document):

Thursday, January 12, 2006

QUARRY, Mon Jan 16

Hope to see Dave & Alicia's living room crammed with people again on Monday night.
Dave @ Alicia Holloway's
623 Thornwood Avenue
(you can do the 411 or mapquest on it to get more details if you'd like)

6:30 - Dinner -
please contact Dave/Alicia if you plan on joining us for a meal...
7:30 - Gathering

Rob Irish will be leading us in some teaching and small groups as we dive more into this topic of 'discerning God's will for our lives'. Let's gather together to search scriptures, worship, and develop tools to seek His face and will for our lives...

Tuesday, January 10, 2006


A night of abundance is how I would probably descibe last night - fullness, richness, abundance...
From the big hearty meal, to the number of people squished in the living room (I think we hit close to 25 last night!), the fullness of conversations and even boisterous songs and games!, the contemplative teaching and sharing time, and the incredible sound of our voices being lifted up (last night I caught myself with a dorky grin on my face, just listening to the phenominal worship around me... it was beautiful!). The night continued even into more times of community and celebration into the late hours! God certainly was and is pleased with what we are doing at Quarry...As we've been talking about 'what is God's will'... i think it's in his will for us to meet together like we do...

May your week be filled God's abundance - LIFE GIVING MOMENTS.Last night we talked a bit about what are thing in your day that energize you and give you life! Take time to reflect and thank God for the things that fill you...

And huge blessings and prayers go to Simon, who is on his way to South Africa for the year...
Godspeed friend.

Friday, January 06, 2006

monday jan 9

come one. come all.
@ rhonda & maja's -
see previous post for directions/contact

6:30 - dinner...
let me know if you are coming or wanna/able to bring something.
7:30 - gathering...

a message from simon. Simon will be doing some leading and sharing monday night ANNNND it's his last Quarry before he heads off to South Africa to learn how to be way smarter and spiritual than us... *tear*
Hey ya'll! Looking forward to getting together with ya'll again! What will we be looking at? Well...with the sway and move of the Spirit, who knows really! What I CAN say is that we'll be going a little deeper into this whole "God's will" thing and what it looks like/feels like...etc.
As Bono once said, people, get ready. ;)

(aka Simon doesn't really know what he's talking about yet... lol.)

Hope to see the living room crammed with you all...

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


It was so good to be back together last night! Some new faces too and hoping to see everyone again over the next few weeks as we recover and get back into the groove...

For those who missed it, it certainly didn't take long for quarry to get back into its groove. Another night filled with space, sharing, prayer, and worship... and of coarse eating too.

A thought for the week...from the words of Oswald Chambers... the ultimate resolution is to be "your best for his glory". What a challenge, but at the same time it should be something that really frees us up to stop living for the expectations we put on ourselves or others put on us. God calling on our life is a big one, but one full of GRACE and JOY and PURPOSE... What is that going to look like in your life this year? How will that or should that impact how you live out 2006...

And remember your ultimate calling is to simply be. be the child of God he created you to be. simple. Rest in His promises...

Feel free to post comments, prayer requests, updates, etc. You don't have to sign up - you can just post anonomously.

Check up on the blog later for a word from Simon about next week's quarry...